27 May 2007

Keyboard를 사려고 알아보다가

'기계식 키보드'를 사고 싶은데 말이야..

로보틱스 수업할 때 쓰던 찰랑찰랑 경쾌하게 타이핑 되던 키보드가 좋았는데, 한국에서 살 수 있는 제품 중엔 어떤 제품이 좋지?? 아무리 좋아도 10만원이 넘어가면 부담스러운데.. +_+


로보틱스 수업에서 쓰던 키보드가 Amazon.com에 나와서 주문하려고 했더니 한국 배송이 안 된단다. ;ㅁ;



23 May 2007

성공한 개발자와 행복한 개발자

김창준김창준 juneaftn@hanmail.net

현재 애자일컨설팅 대표로 있으며 주로 소프트웨어 개발 조직의 생산성과 인간성 모두를 증진하기 위해 컨설팅, 코칭, 교육 등을 하고 있다. 애자일이야기(http://agile.egloos.com)라는 블로그를 운영중이다.

2007년 4월 24일


행복해야 성공한다

한 마디로 요약하자면 이 말이다.

그렇다면 이제 나는 직장에서 성공할 자신이 있다.
욕심내자면, 내가 하루의 1/3 을 보낼 직장 동료들 역시 긍적적인 사람들이면 좋겠다 ^~^*

가정에의 성공은...

21 May 2007


StarUML - The Open Source UML/MDA Platform
StarUML is an open source project to develop fast, flexible, extensible, featureful, and freely-available UML/MDA platform running on Win32 platform. The goal of the StarUML project is to build a software modeling tool and also platform that is a compelling replacement of commercial UML tools such as Rational Rose, Together and so on.

대기업 "핵심역량" - 외국계기업 "성과창출" - 공기업 “조직관리” 인재 선호


`억대 연봉까지 14년 걸렸어요` [중앙일보]

16 May 2007

Code Complete, Second Edition

Code Complete, Second Edition
by Steve McConnell
  • Paperback: 960 pages
  • Publisher: Microsoft Press; 2 edition (June 2004)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0735619670
  • ISBN-13: 978-0735619678
  • Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 7.3 x 1.8 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds
  • Average Customer Review: based on 67 reviews.


15 May 2007

Programming Interviews Exposed

Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job
by John Mongan, Noah Suojanen, Eric GiguèrePaperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Wrox; 2 edition (April 30, 2007)Language: English
ISBN-10: 047012167X
ISBN-13: 978-0470121672


14 May 2007

Zeum: an arts & tech museum for kids and families

Yeah, this is my picture effected by Photoshop Elements =) hehe~
I went to Zeum in San Francisco. I think Zeum is related with a word museum :)
I know this site is mostly for kids, But that means it's for me =p
You know what? After trying 'super duper music looper' by Sony, I even bought a CD in a store to create music. It's so cool~* The interface of the software is also great considering Human and Computer Interaction concepts. =p
The only thing is that CD case says that it's for ages 6-9.
Six to NINE? Are you kidding? Isn't it supposed to be 4 - 69?
Well, I guess they wanted to told that it's is so easy to use this software like using something for only kids.
I told my friend this software is for my younger brothers. But, who know? ;)

If you feel like music, take a look this site and play for fun!!
super duper music looper

There are some sample Loops for tasting. Uhm~~ =p
Remember, there aren't everything. I got more loopers on my CD =)

12 May 2007

In San Francisco

I'll visit
1) HP
2) Stanford
3) Oracle
4) EA
5) Google
6) Cisco
7) Sun Microsystems, Inc.

9 May 2007

Setting my laptop

I installed

  • Windows XP ntfs 20GB
  • Ubuntu 7.04 - the Feisty Fawn - released in April 2007
    • / ext3 8.0GB (after installing: 5.0GB)
          • for root (which is for programs and libraries)
    • /home ext3 9.5GB (after installing: 7.4GB)
          • for user(myself) (which is for my documents and data)
    • swap (swap) 1.5GB
          • which is like virtual memory
  • Java 1.5.0_11-b03
  • Robocode 1.2.6A
  • Eclipse 3.2.2
Ubuntu's Desktop effects are so cool.
I couldn't sleep because there are a lot of things that looks funny :)


5 May 2007

Northwestern Technology Conference for Undergraduates

Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada

I've participated in NTCU from 2nd to 4th of May
Its contents were very interesting, food was not bad, and talking with David was great :)
We talk about open source programs, his work at Apple with Steve Jobs, his Seoul visiting, and so on.
And fortunately, I ranked 3rd place at a program competition and won a Future Shop Gift Card ($50.00). Great!! =p
I completely solved 2 problems. For the second problem, I made a Map for country/area codes and phone numbers. At the first trial, I saved a phone number as an Integer. However, the number is bigger than Integer can store. So I had to change the type of Value to String (for phone numbers). It took some time. Although I solved the same number of problems as a winner did, I took more time for changing my code. It is worth though. Because of this experience, I will carefully decide appropriate types of variables for my next programs. =)

  • Keynote
    • The Future is Never What You Thought It Would Be
    • by David Schlesinger: Director of Open Source Technologies at ACCESS Systems Americas, Inc
    • Therefore, you should do what you love to do =)
  • Seminar #1
    • Does my computer really understand me?
    • by Fred Popwich: Professor, SFU Computing Science
  • Seminar #2
    • Software and its Place in the Industry
    • by Dale Lutz: co-CEO of Safe Software
  • Seminar #3
    • Introduction to Software Development for BI World
    • Lawell Kiing: Senior Director, Engineering at Business Objects
  • Seminar #4
    • Starting an Information-based Technology Company
    • by Peter Tingling: Professor, SFU Business and CEO of Octothrope Software
    • “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Albert Einstein
  • Seminar #5
    • The Connected Multimedia Experience: Sharing Discoveries
    • Glenn Roy: Engineering Line Manager, Nokia
  • Keynote
    • Trends in We2.0 and Enterprise Architecture
  • Tech Expo
  • Competitions
    • Programming competition (mini-ACM)
  • Think Tank
    • discussion about
      • Personal Information with web2.0
      • Patent

3 May 2007

The Day

어제 새로 이사 온 Fairview Crescent의 내 집엔 아직 룸메들이 안 들어와서 현정이랑 같이 지내고 있다.
오늘 12: 30분에 있던 마이크로소프트 전화 인터뷰는 걱정 했던 것 보단 평이했다는 느낌이야. 예를 들면,
  • 스트링에 있는 문자 중 중복 된 것 찾기
  • 링크드 리스트의 가운데 노드 찾기
  • 키보드를 테스트 하게 된다면 어떻게 할 것인가. (시간과 자원이 무한하다는 가정)
  • 컴퓨터를 하는 이유.
  • 컴퓨터에 처음 발을 들이게 된 계기
내가 관심 있다고 했던 Business solution 쪽으로 내 정보를 보낸다고 하니 난 NTCU에서 즐기며 기다려야지 =)
다만, 혹시 내가 질문의 뒤에 숨은 의도를 파악하지 못한 건 아닐까 하는 우려 정도?
실수도 하고 완벽하진 않았던 인터뷰였지만, 나와 통화 했던 그녀가 나의 열정과 관심을 알아 주셨으면 하는 희망으로 기분 UP 해야지 =) 인터뷰 준비한다고 자료 구조나 알고리즘, 퀴즈 같은 것을 보는 자체로도 재미있었어 ^~^* 마이크로소프트, 정말이지 매번 내 편견을 깨는 구나. 인터뷰 문제들이 식상하지가 않아.. 내 스타일이야 ㅋㄷ 여행 하면서 심심할 때 생각해 볼 만한 문제들~

우박이 쏟아졌다가 개었다가 비가 한 바탕 내렸다가 개었다가 하는 변덕스러운 날씨에도 불구하고 피곤한 몸을 이끌고, Northwestern Technology Conference에 갔는데 생각보다 적은 수의 학생들이 있었어. 대략 서른명 남짓? 그래도 좋아. 왜냐하면 오히려 더 단란하게 행사를 보낼 수 있으니까. 내일과 모레 있을 컨퍼런스가 기대돼 ^~^*
일찍 일어나야지!!
꺄악!! 재밌어 재밌어!! 오늘도 즐거운 하루였다. =p