Seoul, KoreaEmail: cool.itea@gmail.com
Software Design Engineer - Where my experience of programming more than eight years with C/C++/C# and Java and knowledge of computer science fundamentals will result in increased efficiency. As a team player, my creativity will stimulate co-workers.EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATION:
Mar 2003 - Feb 2008 Korea University Seoul, Korea
Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. Canada
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Minor: Business Management
- participated in KU-UBC Joint Academic Program
- took Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Commerce courses.
Nov 2007 - Oct 2015 Present Korea Securities Depository, Seoul, Korea
July 2007 - Aug 2007 POSDATA, Seoul, Korea
- Have Developed Programs of SAFE(INTRA) System for Korea Securities Depository
- Java, Visual C#, SQL (PL/SQL), JSP, Delphi 5, Pro*C
- Eclipse, Visual Studio
- Oracle, Golden
- Tuxedo
- Tableman, Starteam, Delice2008, etc
- Developed Knowledge Management System (KMS) by using MVC pattern
- JSP (with Javabeans), ORACLE
- JDeveloper, Orange for Oracle 3.0, CVS (Eclipse)
Jul 2006 - Aug 2006 AhnLab Inc. Seoul, Korea
- Reviewed and revised English version manuals and websites of information security products for localization in Technical Writing Team. (e.g. AhnLab TrusGuard 3100, AhnLab Policy Center 3.0, and AhnLab SpyZero)
May 2007 3rd place, mini-ACM Programming competition, Northwestern Technology Conference for Undergraduates, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, CanadaRELATED COURSES:
Mar 2007 38th place, Imagine Cup 2007 Canada Software Design Regional Final, MicrosoftMar 2007 Global KU Scholarship, Korea UniversityDec 2006 Human Computer Interaction Project Students' Choice Award, UBC
Sep 2006 Global KU Scholarship, Korea University
Mar 2005 KU Academic Scholarship, Korea University
Sep 2004 3rd place, Contest of IT Knowledge, Korea University
Sep 2003 KU Academic Scholarship, Korea University
Mar 2003 Study Scholarship for New Students, Korea University
- Introduction to Software Development
- Introduction to Software Engineering
- Introduction to HCI Methods
Korea University
- Object-Oriented Program Design
- Introduction to Data Structures
- Introduction to Computer Architectures
- Introduction to Theory of Computing
- Introduction to Database
- Introduction to Computer Graphics
April 25, 2010 TOEIC 910 (L/C: 485, R/C: 425), ETS
- OOP Design and Programming using UML
- Software Development Models
- Languages:
- C/C++/C#, JAVA, Delphi
- Oracle, SQL, OBDC, MySQL
- IDE: Microsoft Visual C#, Visual Studio C++ 6.0, Eclipse, and Oracle JDeveloper
- OS : Microsoft Windows, UNIX, Linux, MS-DOS and MAC
- CVS, Orange for Oracle, and StarUML
- [POSDATA] Knowledge Management System (KMS) by making MVC pattern (J2EE, JSP, JS, HTML, ORACLE, Oracle JDeveloper, Orange for ORACLE)
- [Software Development] File Compressor using LZW compression algorithm with GUI (Java, Eclipse, Unix)
- [Software Engineering] Restaurant Management System, using MVC design pattern (Java, Eclipse, CVS)
- [HCI Methods] Home Security System Interface based on HCI concepts
- [Computer Architectures] Bus Arbitration Simulator (C++, Visual C++ 6.0)
- [Artificial Intelligence] The AI Nutritionist for Delivering Breakfast (C++, Visual C++ 6.0)
- [Database] Entertainment Industry Management (Visual C++, MySQL, Oracle)
- [Computer Graphics] Image Processing using only SetPixel( ) (C++, Visual C++ 6.0)
- [Computer Graphics] 3D Object Modeling (C++, Visual C++ 6.0)
- Sep 2005 - Dec 2005 Peer for a Japanese student, Korean Language & Culture Center, Korea Univ.
- Sep 2004 - Dec 2004 Teaching Assistant for North Korean students who are defectors, 3.4 School
Software Engineering, Teamwork, Problem solving, and Brainstorming.
Canada (Vancouver, Toronto, Whistler, Tofino)
U.S (Seattle, San Fransisco, Silicon Vally, New York, Boston, Washington D.C., Philadelphia)
Australia (Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns)
Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto)