28 April 2007

The Initial Interview

Once your recruiter has had a chance to review your resume and gotten to know you a little better through brief chats or e-mail, they may wish to schedule an initial interview with you. These interviews are very casual and are usually held over the phone or on your campus. They are intended only to give us a general idea of your skills and interests and are usually not for specific open positions or teams.

Some things to keep in mind:

Be prepared to discuss your strengths, expertise, and any experience or previous jobs that appear on your resume.
If you're interested in one of our core technology positions-Software Design Engineer, Software Design Engineer in Test, or Program Manager-you may be asked some general problem-solving, design, or algorithm questions.

20 April 2007

What you should avoid for creativity are

  • Confirmation biases
    • A confirmation bias is the tendency to search for evidence that confirms our beliefs rather than to search for evidence that falsifies those beliefs.
  • Surveillance
    • Being watchedExpected evaluation
    • Especially when this leads to over focusing on how work is going to be evaluated
  • Extrinsic motivators
    • ..and lack of intrinsic motivation
  • Competition with peers
  • Constrained choice
    • Too many limits on how to do the work.

People tend to verify what they believe.
You should avoid confirmation biases for creativity.
And also, you should test your programs, avoiding confirmation biases.

from an Organizational Behaviour lecture..

18 April 2007

Project Life Cycle

This one's been around a while and just feels so true...

Wow~ the communication is the most important thing ever.
I have to be sure that I really understand what you want before starting a project.
Otherwise, that leads to misunderstand and be dissatisfied.

Best Exam Answer Ever

This is how you tell the marketing guys from the engineers... : )

9 April 2007

Vista slower than XP at start-up, shutdown, gripe users

Au contraire, says Microsoft; Vista should be faster for most [read more...]

Said Jon: "XP is undoubtedly quicker than Vista. I don't think there will be a way around that. You'll never get extra functionality, without some performance cost, assuming the same hardware."

Well, that's right. But what we have to do is trying to give more functionality with same cost, isn't it?
I laughed twice while reading this article
at here.
"I'm currently writing this on my other PC, because nothing has happened on my Vista machine for about 15 minutes."
and here.
Microsoft has positioned Vista's new sleep mode -- a hybrid state that combines Windows XP's separate hibernation and standby modes -- as the default setting, essentially conditioning users to not power-off their PCs. Some have reasoned that the move was made to mask Vista's long boot and shutdown times.
Lol. So, is that reason why the next client version of Windows after Vista (Windows Seven) is upcoming?
Although Vista is cool, it should be better to meet customers' needs.

MIT Sketching


8 April 2007

Fujitsu Keyboard FKB4725

I've used this model in a lab for Robotics course during this term.
Its tactile feedback allows me to type much faster than others.
The only thing is that the connector is PS/2.

7 April 2007


It looks interesting.
After the last final exam, I'm going to build three robots by July 15

I think the key point of this competition is a strategy like algorithm.


Secrets from the Robocode masters by dW

RobocodeFrom Wikipedia


Korean blog

Resume & Interview Tips

from Microsoft Canada Career Centre
Resume Tips

A well-prepared resume may not lead directly to a job offer, but it will improve your chances of being considered for a position and perhaps help you land an interview. Here are a few suggestions for submitting a resume to Microsoft

  • Make certain your resume is up-to-date and clearly describes your strengths, past jobs, and expertise.
  • To show that you are more qualified than the competition for the positions you are seeking, present specific accomplishments and achievements: percentages increased, accounts expanded, awards won, etc.
  • Provide a description of the specific positions that interest you, and your skills and qualifications, so we can best match your abilities and interests with appropriate positions in our company.
  • Be factual and don't exaggerate on dates or titles. A background check that discovers inaccurate information could immediately disqualify you from consideration.
  • Use the spell checker feature on your computer or ask a friend to review your resume for typos or grammatical errors.
  • Be sure to include your current contact information.
Preparing for the Interview

A typical Microsoft interview is anything but typical. The types of questions you'll be asked will vary depending on the position you're looking for, but all are meant to investigate your capabilities and potential to grow. We look for original, creative thinkers, people with a passion for what they do and the energy to make those around them better. Let us offer a few words of advice on how to make the most of your Microsoft Canada interview.

Come well rested. You will typically meet with three to six different people over the course of your interview. You want to be mentally prepared.

Dress comfortably (business or professional casual attire). Wear whatever makes you comfortable in an interview. Microsoft prizes intelligence and contribution over style.

Relax and be yourself. Natural enthusiasm and positive attitude will take you a long way to making a positive impression.

Be honest.

Remember, an interview is an opportunity for you to get to know us, as well as for us to get to know you. Relax. Ask questions. Listen. Learn. This may be the beginning of an incredible journey.

성공으로 가는 직급별 목표

[중앙일보 JOBs] 부장급 대리, 대리급 부장…꿈과 뜻이 가른다 [본문 보기]

직급이나 연차가 낮을 때는 열정과 성실함을 바탕으로 일을 배워 나가는 자세가 중요하지만 직급이 높아지면 전문성과 핵심 역량을 쌓고 리더십을 키워야 한다.

인크루트 신상훈 컨설턴트는 "20년 뒤 꿈꾸는 모습을 정하고 그 목표에 이르기 위해 지금 무엇을 해야 하는지 역산해 계획을 짠 뒤 1년 단위로 현 위치와 목표를 비교.점검하라"고 조언했다.

대리 직급부터는 스스로 판단해야 할 상황이 점점 많아진다. 기안과 프레젠테이션도 직접 해야 한다.

  • 기초단계-커리어 로드맵을 그려라
    • 신입사원부터 대리급까지는 업무에 관한 기본 지식과 실무를 익히면서 직장 예절, 부서 간 커뮤니케이션 능력, 조직 문화를 배우는 때다. 일이 적성에 맞는지 살펴보는 것도 중요하다. 관심과 소질, 장래성과 전문성, 임금 등을 고려해 판단한다. 이 시기는 직장을 옮기기 수월하고 '몸값'을 높일 수 있다.
  • 개발 단계-자신만의 핵심 능력 갖춰라
    • 고급화 된 직무를 하면서 기초적인 관리 능력도 보여 줘야 하는 시기. 계획과 목표를 세우고 달성할 수 있는 리더로서의 자질을 키워야 한다. 온.오프라인 커뮤니티에 참여해 인맥을 쌓으면 든든한 재산이 된다. 핵심 역량을 개발해야 한다.
  • 숙련 단계-프로필을 관리하자
    • 부장급과 초기 중역급은 회사에 수익을 창출할 수 있는 사람이라는 것을 입증해야 한다. 쌓아온 역량을 효과적으로 통합해 운영 능력을 극대화하는 작업이 필요하다. 업무를 스스로 개발하고 지시나 도움 없이 과제를 해결해 나갈 수 있어야 한다. 후배 구성원들의 신뢰와 지지도 상당히 중요하다. 리더의 자격을 갖췄다는 것을 보여 줘야 한다.임원이 되기 이전에 미리 프로필에 넣을 만한 이력이나 경력을 쌓을 필요가 있다.
  • 마스터링 단계-전략적 사고 필요
    • 고위 임원 또는 경영진에 가장 필요한 것은 전략적 리더십과 비즈니스 오너십이다. 비즈니스 오너십이란 당장 사장이 되더라도 기업을 충분히 이끌어갈 만한 수준의 사업에 대한 이해와 통찰력을 말한다. 이때부터 사업의 큰 그림을 보는 능력이 요구된다.
    • 자기 담당이 아닌 다른 부서의 돌아가는 사정도 파악해 전체 회사 업무의 윤곽을 알고 있어야 한다. 현재 속한 비즈니스 영역을 뛰어넘는 응용력과 전략도 보여 줘야 한다. 회사를 책임지고 이끌어 나갈 수 있는 후진 양성이 가장 중요한 임무

박현영 기자

“코앞의 성공만 보는 모범생 여직원 너무 많아”

박선이 전문기자의 커리어우먼 탐구 [기사 읽기]

아무리 똑바로 걸어가려고 해도 고개 푹 숙이고 한 치 앞만 보고 걸어가면 당초 의도했던 곳과는 다른 곳에 도착하게 된다. 우리의 몸은 완전한 대칭이 아니기 때문에 한 쪽으로 걸음걸이가 치우치기 때문이다.
마찬가지로 Career를 만들어 나갈 때도 당장 내 손바닥 안에 들어오는 것 만을 보고 결정한다면 결국 내가 진실로 원하는 것을 잃을 수가 있다.
저기 목표의 깃발을 바라보며 당당히 걸어나가자.
멀리 보면 종국에는 지향점에 도달할 수가 있다.

6 April 2007



Seoul, KoreaEmail: cool.itea@gmail.com


Software Design Engineer - Where my experience of programming more than eight years with C/C++/C# and Java and knowledge of computer science fundamentals will result in increased efficiency. As a team player, my creativity will stimulate co-workers.

Mar 2003 - Feb 2008 Korea University Seoul, Korea
Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. Canada
  • participated in KU-UBC Joint Academic Program
  • took Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Commerce courses.

Nov 2007 - Oct 2015 Present Korea Securities Depository, Seoul, Korea
  • Have Developed Programs of SAFE(INTRA) System for Korea Securities Depository
  • Java, Visual C#, SQL (PL/SQL), JSP, Delphi 5, Pro*C
  • Eclipse, Visual Studio
  • Oracle, Golden
  • Tuxedo
  • Tableman, Starteam, Delice2008, etc
July 2007 - Aug 2007 POSDATA, Seoul, Korea
    • Developed Knowledge Management System (KMS) by using MVC pattern
    • JSP (with Javabeans), ORACLE
    • JDeveloper, Orange for Oracle 3.0, CVS (Eclipse)

Jul 2006 - Aug 2006 AhnLab Inc. Seoul, Korea

  • Reviewed and revised English version manuals and websites of information security products for localization in Technical Writing Team. (e.g. AhnLab TrusGuard 3100, AhnLab Policy Center 3.0, and AhnLab SpyZero)

May 2007 3rd place, mini-ACM Programming competition, Northwestern Technology Conference for Undergraduates, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada
Mar 2007 38th place, Imagine Cup 2007 Canada Software Design Regional Final, MicrosoftMar 2007 Global KU Scholarship, Korea UniversityDec 2006 Human Computer Interaction Project Students' Choice Award, UBC
Sep 2006 Global KU Scholarship, Korea University
Mar 2005 KU Academic Scholarship, Korea University
Sep 2004 3rd place, Contest of IT Knowledge, Korea University
Sep 2003 KU Academic Scholarship, Korea University
Mar 2003 Study Scholarship for New Students, Korea University


  • Introduction to Software Development
  • Introduction to Software Engineering
  • Introduction to HCI Methods

Korea University
  • Object-Oriented Program Design
  • Introduction to Data Structures
  • Introduction to Computer Architectures
  • Introduction to Theory of Computing
  • Introduction to Database
  • Introduction to Computer Graphics

April 25, 2010 TOEIC 910 (L/C: 485, R/C: 425), ETS

  • OOP Design and Programming using UML
  • Software Development Models
  • Languages:
    • C/C++/C#, JAVA, Delphi
    • Oracle, SQL, OBDC, MySQL
    • JSP, HTML
  • IDE: Microsoft Visual C#, Visual Studio C++ 6.0, Eclipse, and Oracle JDeveloper
  • OS : Microsoft Windows, UNIX, Linux, MS-DOS and MAC
  • CVS, Orange for Oracle, and StarUML
  • [POSDATA] Knowledge Management System (KMS) by making MVC pattern (J2EE, JSP, JS, HTML, ORACLE, Oracle JDeveloper, Orange for ORACLE)
  • [Software Development] File Compressor using LZW compression algorithm with GUI (Java, Eclipse, Unix)
  • [Software Engineering] Restaurant Management System, using MVC design pattern (Java, Eclipse, CVS)
  • [HCI Methods] Home Security System Interface based on HCI concepts
  • [Computer Architectures] Bus Arbitration Simulator (C++, Visual C++ 6.0)
  • [Artificial Intelligence] The AI Nutritionist for Delivering Breakfast (C++, Visual C++ 6.0)
  • [Database] Entertainment Industry Management (Visual C++, MySQL, Oracle)
  • [Computer Graphics] Image Processing using only SetPixel( ) (C++, Visual C++ 6.0)
  • [Computer Graphics] 3D Object Modeling (C++, Visual C++ 6.0)

Software Engineering, Teamwork, Problem solving, and Brainstorming.
Canada (Vancouver, Toronto, Whistler, Tofino)
U.S (Seattle, San Fransisco, Silicon Vally, New York, Boston, Washington D.C., Philadelphia)
Australia (Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns)
Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto)

5 April 2007

Mastering it Up

I've been asked on more than one occasion: "Should I get a masters degree?"

Short answer is no.

Long answer is that depends. [read more...]

Erin Bucholz is a Microsoft recruiter I met in Toronto.
I visited her blog, and found this post. It helps me to decide my career.

I’m done.

with Introduction to Software Development Term Project (Winter 2006, term 2)
  • A program in Java that performs file compression and decompression using the LZW compression algorithm

Wow, so beautiful!!

Because TA who gives me marks considers my coding style, I became more focusing on good style of programming. In other words, I'm trying to make more maintainable and readable programs with good coding style.
When my TA deducted my marks just because of no appropriate helper method, no module, or using 'this.' when it is not necessary, I felt bad at that time.
But I really appreciate because I know I can lean from those in the long run. =)
Plus, I became a student who loves to make good programs after taking computer science courses at UBC. And now I know I enjoy solving problems that gives me a sense of achievement.
So, computer science is fun ;) You should try IT.

Coding With Style
It is important to follow the coding conventions that your team sets. That said it can be an enormous pain to break personal coding habits. Coding styles can be widely varied and you may even have the "pleasure" of working on separate projects at once that each have their own coding conventions. [read more...]

4 April 2007

8 tips for becoming a true leader

By Jeff Wuorio - Microsoft Small Business Center

On the surface, the difference between a step and a stumble seems obvious.

But in business, plotting long and hard to climb into a leadership role often is indistinguishable from inadvertently falling into one. The fact is, whether you take a deliberate step toward an objective or immediately trip on a shoelace, you may end up in the same spot. Put another way, many people who have a laser focus on getting to the top make it there no faster than those who have a leadership opportunity thrust upon them.

Yet knowing the difference between thoughtful business leadership and the kind that happens seemingly by accident is critical — not only in your ability to grow and develop as a leader, but to establish a pattern of success that's deliberate, not miraculous.

Here, then, are eight attributes that separate genuine leadership from leadership that's more a matter of chance:

  1. Real leadership means leading yourself.
    • Passing out orders is as easy as passing out business cards. But a prudent leader also knows how to lead himself or herself — not merely to provide a genuine example to others, but to become a working element of the overall machinery of your business. "It's important that leaders have the ability to focus and motivate themselves as they motivate others," says Larraine Segil, an author and consultant who teaches executive education at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
  2. Don't be a monarch.
    • Thoughtful leadership likely means you already have a talented work force in place. That's terrific. But be careful not set up a throne room in the process. Accidental leaders often inadvertently establish a system of guidance that's unnecessarily restrictive. Guide employees, but don't implement more parameters than are absolutely necessary. "It's important to influence the people with whom you work," says Segil. "Don't see your business as a hierarchy."
  3. Be open to new ways of doing things.
    • One potential land mine of a prosperous operation is to repeat anything that proves successful. It's hard to argue against that, but an inadvertent leader will put far too much stock in sticking with what always works. By contrast, thoughtful leadership acknowledges success but also recognizes there are always ways to do things better.
  4. Remember that white males are fast becoming a minority.
    • Statistics show that white males now make up only a small fraction of the workplace population. Couple that with growing partnerships across borders, and it becomes obvious that blending a variety of cultures and backgrounds in a work environment is an essential leadership skill. A thoughtless leader will try to cope with this as best as he can. One with more vision will work to take advantage of differences. "Competition — the constant push for faster, better, cheaper — mandates that we learn to effectively deal with differences in the workplace," says career consultant Susan Eckert of Advance Career and Professional Development in Brightwaters, N.Y. A company that weaves an appreciation of diversity into its cultural fabric will make itself "unbeatable," Eckert says.
  5. Establish a genuine sense of commitment.
    • I must admit this is a personal sore point with me. I've seen too many company slogans and catch phrases whose import is no deeper than the paper they're written on. Want to be "committed to superior service"? More power to you, but a genuine leader will see that as words and little else. Instead, put some meat on those bones — establish how to quantify excellence, design a cogent plan to achieve it and set a reasonable but real timetable for its completion.
  6. Finish the job.
    • Many business leaders yak about their complete game, but how many actually finish what they say they're going to start? A thoughtless leader who never genuinely finishes anything loses the confidence of clients and customers. That lack of follow-through isn't going to be lost on his or her employees, either. Instead, set goals and establish pragmatic, accountable measures to actually finish what you start. "The ability to complete things is critical," Segil says. "Nothing's useful unless you actually complete it."
  7. Show genuine appreciation.
    • Thoughtless leaders must have forearms like Popeye's, what with all the back-slapping they do. That's fine, but good performance requires a more substantive response. Leaders with an eye to the future hand out praise but augment it with real rewards: promotions, raises, bonuses and other tangible tokens of appreciation. That motivates your people, not only to apply themselves with enthusiasm but to stick around your company longer than they might otherwise.
  8. Know that leadership skills come from learning, too.
    • Far too may business executives believe leadership skills stem from some sort of wondrous epiphany or other such flash of insight. Sure, great ideas can come to any of us, but being a bona fide leader also means study. Read books on effective leadership, attend seminars and pick the brains of colleagues to see what works for them. It can be a long education, but one with rewards that multiply with the more knowledge you have under your belt.

Jeff Wuorio is a veteran freelance writer and author based in southern Maine. He writes about small-business management, marketing and technology issues.

3 April 2007

Hyun Jung's Life: Imagine Cup 2007, Toronto Regional Final

Hyun Jung's Life: Imagine Cup 2007, Toronto Regional Final

I have been in Toronto last weekends for Regional Final.
It was awesome!!
All Canadian students who I met there were not only intelligent, but also nice and funny. =)
Although I couldn't get a chance to go to the
Final, it was good trip by itself.
Thanks, MS =)

---------------[ Toronto Regional Final ]------------------------------------------------
  • Hyun Jung University of British Columbia
    • Ranked #38 among all Canadian competitors
    • Ranked #8 among all UBC students
  • University of British Columbia British Columbia
    • Ranked #1 among all Universities in Canada. (Two guys are finalists.)
We ALL are winners!!! d(^~^)b

I used...
Language: C#
IDE: Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition
OS: Windows XP

To Make Better Programs

  1. Fully Understand Customer's Needs
    • 고객, 즉 사용자가 무엇을 원하는지 파악하는 것이 중요하다. 아무리 좋은 기능이라고 해도 당신의 고객이 원하지 않는다면 가치가 없다.
  2. Scheduling: According to The Mythical Man-Month, you may spend time for
    Design (1/3), Coding (1/6), Component testing (1/4), and System testing (1/4). That means Design (4) : Coding (2) : Component testing (3) : System testing (3)
    • Brooks law에 따르면 늦어진 프로젝트에 사람을 충원하는 것은 프로젝트를 더욱 느리게 만들 뿐이다. 대게 실제 코딩을 하는 데 대부분의 시간을 쓴다고 생각하지만 실제 코딩은 1/6의 시간을 차지하는 것이 적당하다. 그리고 테스트에 전체의 1/2의 기간이 소요된다.
  3. Communication Between Team Members
    • Class들의 Cohesion(응집성)만 중요한 것이 아니다. 조직행동론에 따르면 높은 Cohesion을 보이는 팀은 높은 성과를 내거나 낮은 성과를 낸다. (반면, 응집력이 작은 팀은 약간 좋은 성과를 내거나, 약간 낮은 성과를 낸다.) 성패를 좌우하는 것은 탁 팀원들의 공통 목표를 제대로 인식하고 goal을 향해 나아가는 가이다.
  4. Exactly Understand What Problem Is
    • 해결해야 하는 문제가 무엇인지 올바로 파악해야, 문제를 풀 수 있다.
  5. Appropriate Software Design (using Design Patterns)
    • 문제에 적절한 디자인 패턴을 이용한다. 자신이 알고 있는 디자인을 Golden hammer로 모든 곳에 적용하려 해서는 안 된다. (Golden hammer와 Anti-pattern을 참고.)
  6. Spiral Design Process: Waterfalls model은 지양해야 한다.
    Star lifecycle model, simple interaction design model, simple interaction design model, usability engineering lifecycle 등 Evaluation을 강조한 다양한 Design process가 있다.

    • Spiral model (Waterfalls model을 사용하지 말라.)
    • Interface Design and Usability Engineering
  7. Make a couple of scenarios
    • 예상되는 사용 시나리오를 몇 개 작성해 본다. 프로그램이 어떻게 사용 될지, 어떻게 사용자, H/W, 시스템이 서로 영향을 미칠지 구체적으로 기술한다.
  8. Understand What I have to do for a project, by attending meetings.
    • 특히 팀으로 진행 되는 경우, 각자의 역할이 무엇인지 명확하게 설정 되어 있어야 서로 overlap되지 않아 효율을 높일 수 있다.
  9. Cohesion and Decoupling (especially for OOP)
    • OOP의 기본 개념이다. 보다 maintainable한 프로그램을 위한 조건이다. 프로그램을 디자인할 때 염두해야 한다.
  10. Documentation (Comments, API, Javadoc, helper methods, etc.)
    • 이 역시 maintainable한 프로그램을 위한 조건이다. 덧붙여 프로젝트가 진행 됨에 따라 개발자가 교체되거나 개발팀 외부의 사람과 대화 할 때 유용하다.

Figure. Spiral model: www.swc.scipy.org/lec/dev01.html
Figure. Interface Design and Usability Engineering: http://grouplab.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/saul/481/

Hyun Jung's Life: Presentation Tips

  1. Presentation 순서를 잘 구성한다.
    1. 주제 및 팀 소개
    2. 다룰 내용 (Contents)
    3. 논리적으로 결론을 유도할 수 있는 짜임새 있는 내용 구성.
    4. Conclusion or Summary
    5. Q & A
    • 논리의 흐름이 있어야, 청중을 설득시킬 수 있다.내용을 언급하는 타당한 이유가 있어야 청중의 질문에 명확한 답을 줄 수 있는 것이다. 이것 저것 자료 검색한 것을 순서 없이 붙여 넣으면 안 된다는 것이다.
  2. 배경 색은 밝고 글씨는 진한 색으로 한다.
    • 어두운 배경은 자칫 차갑고 지루한 느낌을 줄 수 있고 글씨 읽기가 힘들 수 있으니 주의한다. 의외로 흰색 등의 밝은 배경이 professional 해 보일 수 있다. 하지만 너무 허전해 보이지는 않도록 한다.
  3. Histogram (막대그래프)을 사용한다.
    • 시각적으로 한 눈에 자료의 의미를 전달하기 위해서는 글 보다 표가 더 좋고, 표 보다 Histograms이 더 좋다. (pie graph는 사용하지 말란다. 왜냐하면 카테고리들의 관계 비교가 비교적 어렵기 때문이다.
  4. 한 슬라이드에 약 7줄, 한 줄에 약 7 단어를 넘기지 않는다.
    • 한 슬라이드에 많고 작은 글씨를 쓴다고 누가 다 읽겠는가. 중요한 시각적 데이터와 아웃라인만 잡아주도록 한다.
  5. 각 슬라이드의 아래에 출처를 적어주는 것이 좋다.
    • 맨 뒷장에 Appendix를 사용하기 보다는 각 슬라이드 아래에 신빙성 있는 출처를 적어준다.
  6. Presentation 하는 동안, 3초씩 eye contact을 한다.
    • 슬라이드만 바라보고 읽어서는 청중을 설득하기가 힘들다. 눈을 보라. 그리고 메시지를 전달하라. 그러나 굳이 부정적인 표정의 관객을 볼 필요는 없다. 긍정적인 반응을 보이는 사람을 보는 것이 긴장감을 줄여줄 것이다.
  7. 발표 중 약간의 gesture를 더하면 자연스럽게 해 준다.
    • 발표 시 조금씩 자리를 이동하며 약간의 몸짓을 더하면 긴장하지 않은 것처럼 보이게 한다. 또한 한 자리에 계속 서 있는 발표자를 계속 바라보는 것은 발표를 보는 입장에서도 지루하다.
  8. 중요한 부분에선 과감하게 강조!
    • Presentation도 한 편의 (연)극과 같다. 발표의 강약을 준다. 차트를 직접 손으로 가리키며 힘주어 설명하는 것도 프로페셔널 해 보인다.
  9. 시각적 효과를 더한다.
    • 적당한 애니메이션 효과, 내용과 관련된 클립 아트, 관련 (제품) 사진 등을 추가하여 보는 이에게 재미를 주고 집중할 수 있게 해준다.
  10. 배경에 직선 보다 곡선을 사용하면 looks good~*
    • Windows 95와 Windows XP를 떠 올려 보아라.