25 February 2007

Bugs 헤는 밤

H. Park

Green line이 지나가는 화면에는

Breakpoint로 가득 차 있습니다.

나는 아무 걱정도 없이
class 속의 함수들을 다 'Step Into' 할 듯합니다.

Variables view에 하나 둘 변해가는 변수를

이제 다 못 헤는 것은
쉬이 'Source not found.' 가 되는 까닭이요,
내일 밤이 남은 까닭이요,
아직 나의 개발이 다하지 않은 까닭입니다.

변수 하나에 int
변수 하나에 double
변수 하나에 boolean
변수 하나에 String
변수 하나에 null
변수 하나에 Scanner, Scanner.

Scanner(System.in), 나는 변수 하나에 아름다운 값 한 마디씩 assign합니다.
밤을 새고 아침을 같이 먹던 동기들의 이름과, 존(John), 헐먼(Herman), 사이먼(Simon).
이런 이국 훈남들의 이름과, 벌써 신입사원 된 계집애들의 이름과,
KU-UBC 사람들의 이름과, 꾀꼬리, 매, 뜸부기, 까치, 왜가리,
빌 게이츠, 스티브 폴 잡스, 이런 거물들의 이름을 assign합니다.

이네들은 너무나 멀리 있습니다.
TestCase의 끝이 아스라이 멀 듯이.
그리고, 당신은 throws Exception 하십니다.

나는 무엇인지 그리워
이 많은 함수가 정의된 class 위에
내 이름자를 써 보고
Javadoc으로 만들어 버리었습니다.

딴은, 밤을 새워 발견되는 bugs는
부끄러운 주소를 참조하는 까닭입니다.

그러나, midterm이 지나고 나의 학기에도 final이 오면,
밤샘 후에 피부 트러블이 시작되듯이
내 이름자 적힌 성적표 위에도
자랑처럼 에이풀이 무성할 거외다.

- 화면과 호출과 변수와 null, Eclipse SDK 3.2.0

22 February 2007

iPhone, Samsung Ultra Smart F700, LG KE850, and FIC's GTA001

iPhone & LG KE850: separated at birth?

Two sparsely-buttoned large, touchscreen phones: the Apple iPhone, and the LG KE850 (which already won the International Forum Design Product Design Award for 2007). Separated at birth, or possible lawsuit number two for Apple? You decide.

12, 2007
iPhone: Questionable Origins?

I just saw the Engadget story that reveals that the iPhone looks kind of identical to LG KE850. This is disappointing to us Apple admirers but it's most likely a coincidence. Jonathan Ive (iconic Apple designer) isn't someone who needs inspiration from someplace else. Besides, the shape isn't so distinct that you can conclusively call it a knock-off.

But that's not all. Looks like even the Multi-Touch interface of iPhone is not new either. This time it's Taiwanese manufacturer FIC whose GTA001 Linux Smart Phone, introduced last November, sports an almost identical interface. It's uncanny.

FIC's GTA001

Seoul, February 8th, 2007: Samsung today announced a new addition to its Ultra portfolio with the introduction of Ultra Smart F700. This revolutionary mobile phone will be showcased at 3GSM World Congress, the largest telecommunications event, next week. The F700 features unrivaled design and brings a superior range of multimedia experiences to consumers.
The Ultra Smart is a part of Samsung’s Ultra portfolio which boasts a full touch screen as well as QWERTY key pad. It reflects the recent trend in telecommunications industry of touch screen user interface and, for users who are not yet familiar with a touch-screen-only user interface, it also implements a QWERTY key pad and VibeTonz technology which allows them to feel the buttons accompanied by responsive vibrations. A “Drag and drop” method of touch screen was adopted for easier menu navigation along with music play list control for an expanded multimedia experience. Volume, play lists, brightness of screens as well as other menu control can be controlled utilizing the touch screen.

As speed is becoming crucial for data communications, Samsung has included the latest trends in mobile to the Ultra Smart F700. The Ultra Smart reflects the latest speed of 7.2 Mbps under the High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) network. Once the 7.2 Mbps HSDPA network completely deployed, F700 users can download an mp3 song (about 4MB each) in 4.4 seconds. A full HTML browser along with the QWERTY key pad enables easy access to the internet for e-mail and data services.

Using the new F700, business and creative professionals are able to view content on a stunning 2.78" color display. The device features first class entertainment with a top-of-the-line 5 mega-pixel camera with auto focus and Bluetooth. With 7.2 Mbps HSDPA, it makes it easier to watch videos, listen to songs, share high-quality photos, or catch up on email on the move.

“The introduction of our Ultra Smart F700 reflects the needs of today’s consumers by including features such as touch screen, enhanced connectivity to mobile internet, and access to an array of multimedia content,” said Geesung Choi, President of Samsung’s Telecommunications Network Business. “The Ultra Smart F700 is a good example of how mobile phone will evolve in the future. Samsung will focus on bringing products that reflect and pursue our position as a premium leader”


Samsung F700 the ''Ueber'' LG Prada Phone?

Samsung announced the Ultra Smart F700 Touch screen mobile phone with slide-out QWERTY keyboard this week. Taking a quiet minute today admiring the hi-res photos Samsung published of the F700, it came to me that the User interface is similar to the LG Prada phone (see photo).

It is really a strange coincident that Samsung also goes with black background and simple white icons for the application menu on the F700. The LG Prada phone has the same look.
Feature-wise the Samsung F700 leaves the LG Prada phone in the dust with HSDPA, 5MP Camera, Slide-out QUERTY keyboard etc.


LG officially announces the Prada Phone. Word about a Prada mobile phone appeared early December.

Similar to the Apple iPhone the Prada Phone is also an all touch-screen mobile phone. The LG KE850 is of course all Prada black and features grey and white minimalist user interface. I like Prada 's minimalist fashion style that is why the look of the Prada Phone also is attractive to me. Others might say it is too boring.

Prada's involvement apparently really was more than just slapping their logo on the phone. LG says that Prada was involved in exterior aesthetics, user experience, ring tones, pre-loaded content, mobile phone accessories and the exclusive leather case.

Even though touch screen is one of upcoming trends, I think the concept of these things are too much similar.. =_="

18 February 2007

Hyun Jung's Life: Interests

[Computer Science]

  • UML
  • Software Engineering
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Java
    • eclipse
    • JavaDoc
  • C
  • C++
  • C#
  • Blog (Blogger, egloos) - A blog is a user-generated website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order.

  • Web post-it

I would make tutorials for a couple of topics when this term finishes...

13 February 2007

Adobe Tech Talk

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 | 17:00 - 18:00
Dempster 110

Learn New Technologies!

Do you constantly seek out the latest technology trends?

Do you feel that rich Internet application development is growing faster than ever?

Come and join Adobe for an hour long session and see the emerging technology behind
the next generation Internet applications. We'll be showing off Adobe Flex and Adobe

See the cool stuff that you can build today with Adobe Flash, and see the next generation
of applications that will be enabled with Adobe Apollo.

Bring Your Resume!
Adobe representatives will be on hand to collect resumes for summer internships as well as
full time positions.

Join Us!

* Tuesday, Feb 13th
* 5:00 PM
* DMP 110


4 February 2007


I participated in the 3rd Programming Contest for three hours on Saturday.
This contest was for UBC and SFU students.
I solved one out of six programming challenges, and got a scheduler as a prize.
It was worth and I enjoyed that.
Moreover, now I do know what does tab mean. =p
In other wards, I had to modify again and again because what I assumed was not what tab really is.

Language: C, C++, Java
OS: Unix (vi, emacs, eclipse, etc), Windows (dev-c++, eclipse, notepad, etc)