- 2002.06.22 Science Competition for high school students 1st place, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea
- 2002.06.12 14th Mathematics and Science Competition for middle and high school students 2nd place, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea
- 2002.05.27 Science Competition Excellence Award, Gumsan Girls High School, Korea
- 2002.04.22 Search Contest 2nd place, Gumsan Girls High School, South Korea
- 2003.02.11 Meritorious Award, Gumsan Girls High School, South Korea
- 2002.05.10 Prize for Good Conduct, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea
- 2001.09.01 - 09.02 Camp for the Leaders: to improve your leadership and communication skills, Gumsan Girls High School, South Korea
- 2001.03.13 - 03.14 Camp for the Leaders, Gumsan Girls High School, South Korea
- 2000.11.17 Leadership Award, Chung Moo Centre, South Korea
- 2000.11.13 - 11.17 Leadership Training Course, Chung Moo Centre, South Korea
- 2000.04.22 - 04.23 Camp for the Leaders, Gumsan Girls High School, South Korea
- Sports (e.g. Swimming, Bowling, Golf, Snowboarding, Water skiing, Skating, Basketball, Table tennis, etc.)
- Taekwon-do 2nd Poom certificate, World Taekwondo Federation
- Calligraphy
[ver. Korean]
- 2002.06.22 충청남도 고등학교과학탐구대회 금상 수상, 충청남도교육감
- 2002.06.12 제 14회 충청남도 중고등학생 수학과학경시대회 은상 수상, 충청남도교육감
- 2002.05.27 교내과학경시대회 우수상 수상
- 2002.04.22 교내 정보꿈나무축제 정보사냥부 은상 수상
- 2003.02.11 교내 공로상 수상
- 2002.05.10 모범학생 (선행상) 표창, 충청남도교육감
- 2001.09.01 - 09.02 간부학생수련활동: 또래중재인의 역할, 지휘, 통솔, 회의진행법
- 2001.03.13 - 03.14 간부학생수련활동
- 2000.11.17 충무상(Leadership), 충무교육원장
- 2000.11.13 - 11.17 지도력 배양과정, 충무교육원
- 2000.06.29 - 07.01 학생야영수련활동: 심성계발 활동
- 2000.04.22 - 04.23 간부학생수련활동